
Mathod Play - May


Method Play – May

Which Prophet can talk to animals? Learn 5 details about his life.

How many ‘astagfirullas’ can you say in 3 minutes?

Memorize 5 names of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Clean your block. With a parent go around you block and pick up all the trash.

Count the windows,
Door-knobs, and rooms in your home. Display your results in a chart.

Sort your trash. Take all the plastic bottles to the recycling depot.

Play the silence game: Try listening to three different birds and three different cars. Stay silent until you spot all six.

Why do you think birds have different beaks?
Explain your ideas to someone in your family.

List as many things as you can that a tree does for you.

Will an egg float or sink in water? Find out.
Then add salt one teaspoon at a time. What happens?

Go on a treasure hunt. Collect 10 objects. Play outside for at least 1 hour with your family!

Retell the story of Ibrahim (as) to someone in your family. Include the beginning, middle, and end. Use Stuffed toys as props.


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