
Meditation Jar (Indirect prep for long-term meditation or Prayer)

 1 Mason Jar
 Glitter Glue and dry glitter
Left over colored sand
Food coloring (optional)
Hot Water

Mix Sand and glitter. Add Hot water and glitter glue. Mix thoroughly. Let the mixture cool before using. Duh.


1.  This is our mind at rest when we make silence or pray.

2. Shake the Jar so the contents begin swirling around. Explain to your child that each sparkly and sandy grain inside is 'a thought.' All day long all of these thoughts are running through our mind, and sometimes all this activity can make us feel restless and not - peaceful.  We may begin to feel cranky and tired. How can we calm ourselves?

3.  Next put the jar down and allow the contents to settle. Observe the glitter and sand settle in silence. Explain how prayer helps us to calm our thoughts and settle our minds.  

4.  Watch your thoughts settle in silence. Make silence 5 times a day. If your child is not ready to pray but ready for a challenge, then, while praying, have them sit next to you with their meditation jars and practice saying small phrases (Subhaan-Allah, Alhumdulilah, La ila ha...) (If not Muslim then use a phrase from your own religion, etc.) (if not religious then use your personal affirmation).

Happy Meditating!


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